
Belly Pictures @ 22 weeks, 2 days

Check out my awesome belly! I have been taking pictures each week, but have not posted any here yet. Whatcha think? Isn't it the best?

By the way, there is not any need to comment on the stretch marks. I like them and it's gonna be alright. I do not feel bad about them at all, so there's not any need to tell me how much it sucks that they are there or suggest any products to get rid of them. Really.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Glad that it is going well. I am so happy for the two of you!


Anonymous said...

YEA and update!! I love, love, love the pics. You're so cute! I'm so stinkin happy for you :)

Jen said...

Given how many stretch marks I have, I would never deign to say anything to any other woman about her stretch marks. I was just struck by how much yours look like a design - either like a fire, or a plant in the ocean...

And if your belly is ITCHY, which mine always was, Weleda Pregnancy Oil is luscious. But I will not advocate it for making stretch marks not appear, because that's impossible.

Lovely belly!!!

Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Screw the stretch marks, I'm glad to see that belly!!! It's beautiful. Thanks for the update - I've been praying, and wondering where you were! :)

clara said...

Those are some really cool looking stretch marks. It does look like a design. :) I have stretch marks on top of stretch marks & never did they look so awesome as yours.